News 2014
18. Karlsruher GesprächeWorld (Market) Society: On Trade with Goods, Data and Humans

From 14th until 16th February 2014 the 18th Karlsruhe Dialogues took place.



Videos on Youtube


Further Information
Quo vadis, Turkey?Quo vadis, Turkey?

On 10 December 2014 Peter Spuhler, Gizem A. Weber and Dr. Cengiz Günay discussed the topic "Quo vadis, Turkey? Scenarios and perspectives " in the ballroom of the Studentenhaus at KIT.

Further Information
Colloquium Fundamentale 2014Digital Revolution

In the summer term 2014 the course of lectures Colloquium Fundamentale dedicated itself to the technology behind our digital society.

Further Information
Anna Lindh Report 2014Anna Lindh Report on Intercultural Trends 2014

Currently published: The "Anna Lindh Report on Intercultural Trends 2014" shows trends in the mutual perception of the citizens in the Euro-Mediterranean region and analyzes the development of attitudes related to intercultural coexistence.


To the Report

Further Information
ALF EuromedThe Mediterranean on the Spot: Encounters

In September and October 2014, the next series of events of the German Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation took place.

Further Information
The Critical StageThe Critical Stage. Young Voices on Crucial Topics

Journalist Francesca Caferri contributes to the online publication of the ZAK with an article on “The Arab Spring as a Women’s Revolution”.

Further Information
EKT TeaserStill at War! From Poison Gas to Drones

The international scientific symposium took place from 16 – 18 May, 2014. It was part of the 22th Festival of European Culture “Peace + War. 2014 – 1914”



Videos on YouTube


Further Information
Colloquium FundamentaleDigital Revolution

In the winter term 2014/15 the course of lectures Colloquium Fundamentale dedicated itself to the consequences of the digitalization for our society.

Further Information
Digital Archiving Teaser BildDigital Archiving – Tasks and Implementation Strategies

On November 14, 2014, the Center of Digtal Tradition (CODIGT) at ZAK organized a public symposium on the topic of ‘Digital Society and Cultural Memory’.


Further Information
Anna Lindh TalkAnna Lindh Talk

For the second time members of the Anna Lindh Foundation were invited to the Citizens Festival of the Federal President of Germany 2014 in Bellevue Palace in Germany. The talk took place on September 6th 2014.

Further Information

On March 5 – 7, 2014, project partners from four European University discussed the opportunities of technical education in times of demographic change.

Further Information
CodigtThe Centre for Digital Tradition (CODIGT)

CODIGT is dedicated to the task of contributing to the preservation of digital cultural heritage and research data. CODIGT is co-funded by KIT, ZKM - Centre for Art and Media Karlsruhe, and the University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe.

Further Information
Teaser 16th Meeting of the German NetworkConference of the Anna Lindh Foundation: Re-Thinking Citizens Participation

From 10th to 11th March 2014, the annual meeting of the German Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation took place in Bochum, Germany. The Network meeting was followed by the Cluster "Science".

Further Information
e InstallationE-Installation

The E-Installation project aims to preserve media artworks from being forgotton. This is achieved by using telepresence technology and virtual reproduction.

Further Information