News 2018
WiGe SoSe18 Teaser ClaimScience Dialogues

On 12 June 2018 the 4th ZAK Science Dialogues in cooperation with the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung dealt with “Sharing or Owning – Sharing Economy as Curse or Blessing?".

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CF_SoSe18The working enviroments of the future: visions, opportunities, risks

The Colloquium Fundamentale deals in the summer term 2018 with current research around the topic of work.

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Internationale ChinaInternational Forum on China

On 25 June 2018 Dr. Margot Schüller analysed the chances and challenges for the cooperation of China and Germany that are connected with the reorientation of China’s economic model.

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TEASER WSCWorld Science Café

On 20 June 2018, Prof. Dr. Betül Yarar talked about “Neoliberal Regimes and Their Gendered Body-Bio-Politics. The Case of AKP in Turkey”.


Video on YouTube

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Teaser_Erasmus_Virtual ExchangeERASMUS + VIRTUAL EXCHANGE

The first dates for intercultural online debates are fixed – sign up now or register for more information!

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KIT im Rathaus 2018KIT in the City Hall

On 7 June 2018 the KIT Mobility Systems Center presented lectures on “Mobility in Transition – Opinions and Facts” in the Bürgersaal of Karlsruhe City Hall.

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Intercultural Experience OnlineIntercultural Experience Online

In the 5 week collaborative Course, participants develop skills in cross-cultural communication, leadership and collaborative problem-solving. The English programm starts before the beginning of the summer semester.

EKT 2018 TeaserEurope on the Move. Societies, Values and Women’s Rights in Transition

From 4 - 5 May 2018 ZAK hosted a public scientific symposium on political upheavals, women’s rights and interdependencies of globalisation. 



Videos on YouTube

Further Information
 IF TeaserThe Role of the EU in Southeastern Europe (lecture in English)

On 17 April 2018 Dr. Sandro Knezović talked about the role of the EU as a factor of stability in Southeastern Europe and the Enlargement of the EU with candidate states of the region.

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KA DoalogueThe (Artificial) Intelligent City

From 2 to 4 March 2018, the 22nd Karlsruhe Dialogues discussed what an intelligent city is and which opportunities and challenges emerge with respect to new smart cities.

Video on Youtube

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Teaser WSCWorld Science Café

On 7 February 2018, Afaf Rahim talked about “Refugees and Migrants – Social and Economic Integration” in the lecture series World Science Café.

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KammerochesterConcert of the KIT Chamber Orchestra

The concert of the KIT Chamber Orchestra took place on 21st of April 2018 in the Gerthsen auditorium at KIT. Under the direction of Dieter Köhnlein the chamber orchestra played compositions of Beethoven, Dvorák and Fauré.

Further Information
Teaser ExilWorkshop Science in Exile

The Workshop „Threatened Researchers II: Science in Exile – Shared Responsibilities” took place on 6th December 2018. The workshop was designed for affected researchers, fellow academics, institutional and administrative employees of host institutions and the interested public.

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TEASERGenealogy of Popular Science

On 15 - 17 June 2018 the ZAK organized the International Expert Conference on the History of Popular Science Communication from Antiquity to Present.

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Teaser KIRKIT in the City Hall

On 31 January 2018 an introduction of the KIT Energy Center with lectures on new technologies for the energy of tomorrow took place in the Bürgersaal of Karlsruhe City Hall.

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TEASER_IF_China_WiSe18_19International Forum on Chinese investments

On 13 December 2018 Dr. Cora Francisca Jungbluth spoke on the topic „Chance and Challenge: Chinese Investments in Germany” and examined the question if there is reason to worry about a sellout through China.

Further Information
Teaser Erasmus VECall for Debate Team Leaders – Join the new ERASMUS+ VIRTUAL EXCHANGE programme!

The Advocacy Training – Intercultural Online Debate pilot programme is a great way to connect with young people from other countries and gain meaningful intercultural experiences online.

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Wika 2018WIKA Workshop 2018

The WIKA Workshop 2018: Models of Future Cultural Relations took place on November 23rd , 2018 in the WeltRaum of the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) in Stuttgart.

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