Dream Factory
Films are not disposable products. Especially through them, cultural sustainability is promoted. A contribution to this is done by the traditional art house cinema Schauburg Karlsruhe in cooperation with the Academy for Scientific Continuing Education Karlsruhe (AWWK) and the FORUM, formerly ZAK: Since the winter term 2010/11, the Schauburg has been the venue of the film series "Traumfabrik". Film seminars of the FORUM and the AWWK are accompanied by selected films that are shown on a weekly basis. For each film, there is a short introduction by Wolfgang Petroll, lecturer for film and media aesthetics, as well as a cinema talk after the film. The "Dream Factory" is open to all, who are interested in film, culture and media aesthetics. Prefabricated tastes are put to the test and predetermined mass media dreams are reinterpreted.