Information for students

Crediting possibilities in the study program

Credit for the Spring Academy Sustainability is possible as follows:

  • as a key qualification or interdisciplinary competencies
  • for the General Studies Certificate in Sustainable Development
  • within FORUM’s interdisciplinary study programs

Acquisition of credit points

  • 2 CP: Participation in all program points of the Spring Academy.
    + preparatory reading/material for the chosen workshops (will be provided)
  • 3 CP: Participation in all program points of the Spring Academy. 
    + preparatory reading/material on the chosen workshops (will be provided). 
    + Reflection report on given questions (at least 8,000 characters including spaces)
  • 4 CP: limited number of spots; participation in all program activities of the Spring Academy

    + Preparatory reading/material for the selected workshops (provided)

    + Reflection report on given questions (at least 8,000 characters including spaces)

    + Production of a podcast or videocast, including a prep workshop; a follow-up workshop may be scheduled by the group if needed