
Wednesday 26 March 2025 – Thursday 27 March 2025

Education Politics


Political decisions influence all areas of our education system. From education in kindergartens, school and university to further education opportunities in later working life. What types of school are there and which key points are decisive for educational pathways? How can socially disadvantaged children, young people and adults be supported in order to maintain educational opportunities? 
How can these challenges be researched and what solution strategies are there?

Education System


How has our current education system developed historically and how can it be reformed? An observation of the German education system includes the question of necessary structural changes and a look at school types and reforms in other countries. What can our education system learn from international comparisons? And what are the limits of these comparisons?

Access to Education


Access to education and educational success is still strongly impacted by social status and one's own background. This is not only evident with regard to the type of school attended and a possible subsequent degree or doctorate. The subject studied, opportunities for qualified part-time jobs or the likelihood of founding a company are also affected. Educational opportunities are not only dependent on socio-economic background, but also on - sometimes correlating – factors like migration or gender. But where exactly are the sources of social inequality? And how can they be counteracted?

Teaching, Learning and Digitalisation


Digitalisation is also playing an increasingly important role in education - be it in institutionalised school education or through more digital public educational resources. Does increasing digitalisation and the use of AI in education promote equal opportunities? Additionally, we take a look at the practical applications of digital resources to promote inclusion and (individual) knowledge transfer.

All excursions will focus on one or more of the four key areas: education system, education politics, access to education and teaching, learning and digitalisation. All participants will attend two excursions (one each on Wednesday and Thursday, á 2,5h) throughout the Spring Academy Sustainability.

This year’s excursions not only include places that can be visited and experienced, but also exchange formats in traditional seminar rooms. Due to the thematic focus, not everything can be experienced physically, but requires reflection and discussion. Please bear this in mind when selecting your excursions.

These are the available excursions for a less extensive version of the project week in English. You can still earn between 2-4 credits (LP) for participating. If you have sufficient German skills to actively take part in a seminar in German you may look at the German version of this website. In this case you will be able to choose between a wider variety of workshops and excursions (in English and German).