Panel discussion: More education, equal barriers? The unresolved problems of equal opportunities

Thursday, 27th March 2025, 6 p.m. (in German language only, free admission)
Atrium in InformatiKOM, KIT Campus Süd, Geb. 50.19, Adenauerring 12

The panel discussion is public and can be attended without registration.

Please note that the panel discussion is only offered in German.

According to OECD reports (2024) and PISA (2022), pupils from low-income households in Germany perform significantly worse than their wealthier peers. Why has it not been possible to break the close link between socio-economic background and educational success in Germany, more than 20 years after the so-called PISA shock and numerous reforms aimed at modernising educational infrastructure, content and access? What structural challenges are preventing a sustainable improvement in equal opportunities in the education system? These and other questions will be discussed by experts at the public panel discussion.


Gabor Paál
Head of the Science and Education Department, SWR


  • Jaana Espenlaub, Baden-Württemberg coordinator of, an initiative to promote higher education for non-academic children
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Neugebauer, Institute for Transdisciplinary Social Science, Karlsruhe University of Education
  • Tobias Nolte, teacher at a so-called „Brennpunktschule“, involved in the education initiative „Related“ against educational inequality
  • NN
    Political representative